Download NetCut Pro v1.4.1 APK Tanpa Root Terbaru Gratis
- Net sendiri berarti internet dan cut sendiri artinya memotong. Kalau
kita artiken secara langsung, maka netcut dapat kita artikan sebagai
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NetCut Pro v1.4.1 APK No Root Latest Update Full Free Download
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Tentang NetCut Pro No Root APK Update :
- You can quickly detect all network user in WIFI, even when yourphone has no valid IP address or not been granted use wifiinternet. as long as you connected to any WIFI,'s netcutcan work.
- Set on/off line to any network users, includingphone/xbox,softphone, PS3, PS4 etc.
- You can cut off network between two network users within LAN ,by set one of the user as "gateways" , then cut off the otherusers, then those two users won't beable to talk to each other, eg:apple TV, Google TV, xiaomi box , cut off the phone connection tothose box, will disable screen cast like feature.
- Netcut Defender built in. (turn on and off in one click)
- Scan network when you feel there are users still on network andyou can't see it.
- Check phone type, netcut will be able list type of phones.
- Give user easy to remember name. Long press any network user, apop up window will allow you input name for the user.
- Detect attacker, if any one try to play arp spoof to you, youwill be able to see it from netcut directly.
Link Download :
NetCut Pro v1.4.1 APK Tanpa Root Terbaru
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